Have you ever been in a place in your life where you feel like everything is out of control? I think it is safe to say we have all been there, perhaps you are there as we speak. Today's blog is a friendly reminder of all of the things that you ARE in control of. So many more things than you may realize. When life kicks you around and it will, focus on the things that you are in control of and let go of the things you are not in control of.
Never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. Kindness comes in many forms. There are random acts of kindness, pay it forward kindness, send a person "Happy Mail" kindness, give a compliment to someone you don't know kindness, the list is infinite really.
Being kind is a sign of confidence and contentment within yourself. If you are kind to yourself, meaning being comfortable in your own skin, it will be easier for you to be kind to others. Be Kind or Be Quiet has been my motto for years. And a bonus in regards to being kind, it's FREE! It won't cost you a thing!
Believe it or not, you DO have control over what your mind focuses on. Positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good results. Positive thinking is the process of thoughts that manifests dreams into reality. A positive mind exudes happiness, health and a happy ending in any situation. Start each day with positive thinking. This can be done through music, podcast or prayer. This will set the tone for your entire day.
If you are around someone who complains a lot and is negative, eventually you too will become negative. The same principle applies with your daily mindset.
Every person on the planet has a faith journey and will look very different from person to person. There are certain things that are visible, things we can touch and see. And, certain things not visible, things we can’t touch and see. We have two choices — only believe the things we see or open our minds to the possibilities.
I am very strong in my Faith as a Christian. Every morning I read the Bible, meditate, pray and ask God to lead me through my day. My conversations with God continue throughout the day as I have ask Him to be with me every step and to guide me to impact others in they way that serves Him. I lay my life on His alter and pray that He does His work through me.
Webster's defines JOY as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” When you live filled with constant JOY, you will feel a sense of peace. Joy sparks creativity. Joy is untroubled. Joy is pure.
By living in a constant state of JOY you will manifest success, good fortune, beautiful creativity and ultimately inspire and impact everyone you meet.
What is Ambition? Ambition is what a person dreams of accomplishing, your ambition relates to what you love to do. You can develop your ambition by not being scared to take risks, being brave in your life and true to the things you want to accomplish. Be willing to invest time into your goal and work to grow your knowledge to see them come true. Ambition is not about success and recognition on a personal level, rather it's about reaching goals, changing lives and serving others.
Your level of ambition is up to you. How important are your goals? Are your goals about you or about something bigger than you? If your goals are about something bigger than, you will have a different level of ambition to see them come to fruition.
We have all been in a situation where someone makes us feel guilty. Or someone makes you feel worthless and undervalued. Here is a beautiful thing, NO-ONE can MAKE you feel anything, no one can make you feel guilty, unless you allow them too. Did you get that? NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY UNLESS YOU ALLOW THEM TOO! The fact of the matter is this, you cannot control another persons action, but you can control your reactions to them. There is so much POWER in this mindset!
By setting boundaries and guardrails around yourself, you will not allow anyone to penetrate you and create negative thought. Often times, a person who "makes" you feel guilty or any other negative emotion are living in their own misery and misery loves company. A miserable person will try to bring you into a miserable place right along with them.
You are given one body, only one! If the one you have fails you then what? Your physical health dictates so many things in your life. If you are a young Mother carrying 50 extra pounds you will not be able to chase after and play with your kids. If you smoke you are taking 7-8 years off of your life, you will die young. There are so many reasons to take care of your health. Often times, the lack of self care is a direct reflection of a persons self-esteem. Make an appointment with yourself to take care of you! Move your body everyday! Commit yourself to walking, working out, cut out soda's and snacks that do not serve your health.
The better you feel physically the better you will feel mentally. The two are connected requiring attention and care.
Effort is defined as the use of physical or mental energy, the act or result of trying to do something. You have the ability to put forth as much effort as you care to give. How hard you work and the time you put into something WILL give you results! You will see growth, you will see goals being reached and changes in your life!
It is seriously time for you for to take charge of your life. Take charge of your happiness & your future.
Click on the link below. I will be in touch to set up a discovery call with you.
Prepare for your life to change!