Alright sisters it starts TODAY!
No more excuses!
No more self loathing!
No More NEGATIVE Self Talk!
Today is the day you begin your accountability workout journal!
It is so important to move your body everyday. This does not mean you have to start a high impact program. If you are a beginner to fitness, health & working out, then start at the beginning. Choose a plan that meets you where you are at. If you are new to working out, your first workout might look like a walk around the block. If you are more advanced adjust accordingly.
How many times have you started a wellness routine & failed? Be honest here! How many? Why did you fail? What is holding you back from loving yourself enough to take care of your body? Reality is this, if you don't take care of yourself, you will never be able to take care of the people in your life you love.
NO MORE EXCUSES! Love yourself enough to do this for you!
This daily journal is designed to motivate & keep you accountable. This is the perfect way to document your fitness & health journey. Be real with your feelings about working out. Commit yourself to moving your body everyday 30 minutes for at least 90 days. You will see in that amount of time your health & fitness will become routine, a habit & a new way of life.
Recruit a tribe to journal with you! Keep each other accountable & begin this journey together! Women who support one another are leaders, confident & a forced to be reckoned with!
ALWAYS consult your physician before starting a new health and wellness program.
It is seriously time for you for to take charge of your life.
Take charge of your health & your fitness.
Click on the link below. For only 10 you can download your very own fitness journal and get started TODAY!!!
Prepare for your life to change!