Well we are almost one month into the New Year and I have just now figured out my “Word of the Year”. A girlfriend of mine asked me what my word of the year was and it has taken me nearly a month to figure it out! Thank you Christie Michelle for the challenge, and of course I had to make it difficult for myself, lol! According to the Second Edition of the 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary, there are 171,476 words in the English Language. So why was this so difficult for me? Pick a word already!
I didn’t want to willy-nilly choose a word, I wanted my word for the year to have deep meaning, I wanted my word to be my guide to success and thought. I wanted MY word to follow me through this entire year, it’s a big deal.
Drum roll please…
After much thought and contemplation, my word of the year is INTENTIONAL. According to Merriam-Webster, intentional is an adjective, and the definition of intentional is done by intention or design: INTENDED.
What does this mean to me and perhaps you too?
In every aspect of my life I want to live and makes choices intentionally, with proper thought behind everything. I think often times we get caught up in our "to-do" list and go through the motions, we forget that every second of our day is a gift and opportunity and should be treated as such. This is a challenge! Use every second to be the best at whatever you do!
In my business and professional life, I want every decision to have intention and purpose. For instance, before I book a conference or attend to further my education, I first want to make sure I know what my business needs are. It is important to make sure that the conference will meet the current needs of my business, instead of attending the same conference year after year because it’s what I have always done. Also I want to have a list of goals, to make sure I am staying on task at the conference, and maximizing my dollars invested and time for attending.
When I go to a Coaching Meeting, I meditate before we begin and ask for ears to listen and the wisdom, guidance and for the right words my clients need to hear. My best gift I can give a client is to show up 100% every time and be intentional about what I am sharing with them. I am my clients Coach not their cheerleader. It is my goal to witness and encourage their business and personal growth, to help them overcome fear and realize a level of success that is beyond their wildest imagination.
On the personal side of my life, I want to invest my time in the people and causes that develop me to become the best version of myself while by example encouraging them to do the same. For example, when I am out to dinner with my family or friends, I intentionally unplug and leave my phone tucked in my purse. I want to show up 100% for them, they deserve my full attention and seek out ways that I can be there for those special people in my life. Everyone needs to feel valued and loved, a simple gesture of time and undivided attention can provide that.
At the end of the day, I don't make a decision because "everyone else does it this way", I want to make decisions that are planned, thought out, strategic and specific. With the ultimate goal of becoming the best version of myself, the version God INTENDED for me to be.
Jan 28, 2019, 8:01:34 PM
Pamela JEAN - Thank you Lisa! I appreciate you very much! I wish you success, happiness and joy! :)
Jan 28, 2019, 8:00:45 PM
Pamela JEAN - Thank you Friend! You have seen me through thick and thin, blessed to have you in my life. Huge hugs to you! <3
Jan 28, 2019, 6:31:24 PM
Lisa Carter - Perfect word!!!! We could all do better with “Intent” both business and lifestyle! Hope your year is filled with intentional goals and success!
Jan 28, 2019, 2:46:28 PM
Kay Kurth - Love it my friend! You've always been intentional in your work and in your personal life. Can't wait to see it play out this year!