11 Mantra’s Every Woman Should Be Living
1) Practice Self Love
Happiness is an inside job, YOU have to love yourself, before anyone else can. You are beautiful, courageous and perfectly created. It’s okay to show yourself Grace and Love!
2) Stop Caring About Ones Who Do Not Deserve Your Energy
Why do the negative people in your life have the loudest voice in your mind? It is easy to give power to the ones who have hurt you the most. It is your choice as to who and what hurts you. The sooner you take away the power, the sooner you will heal.
3) Connect With Your Girlfriends
Surround yourself with your girlfriends, what better way to refresh and recharge then the support and love of your friends! Schedule at least two nights a month to connect with your girlfriends!
4) Stop Feeling Guilty
Starting over after a major life issue is not for the faint of heart. Don’t let the feeling of failure, guilt and shame plague you, move forward, always move forward. You can’t change the past, only learn from it. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, take a look in the mirror and give yourself a smile. Don’t beat yourself up.
5) Dream Again
You have lost your dreams while fulfilling everyone else’s. You have spent years making everyone else happy, you have forgotten about you. Take a deep breath and let your dreams come to the surface again. YOU MUST dream and create the life you have always wanted. It's really okay to have dreams!
6) Enjoy Being Alone
Being alone can be scary and uncertain. When you learn to be comfortable in your own skin, comfortable in your alone-ness, a stronger more confident you will emerge.
7) Learn To Forgive
Forgiving the people in your life that have caused you heartache, is just as important as forgiving yourself. Forgiveness is a powerful step in healing your heart. Forgiveness is truly for yourself, not for the person you have forgiven.
8) Codependent NO MORE!
When we attempt to control people and things that we have no business controlling, we are controlled. You didn’t cause it; you can’t control it; you can’t cure it. Let go of the things that you cannot change. You cannot love a person enough to do the right thing. YOU are the only human being you can control.
9) Journal Your Journey
Schedule time everyday to write your inner most thoughts in a pretty journal. Be honest with how you feel EVERYDAY! Write down the good the bad and the ugly. Documenting your journey will reveal to yourself how far your have come! Oh the difference a year makes!
10) Do More Things You Love
For years you have put everyone before you. You have been the sacrificial lamb for others, it’s time you do something for you! Do something that you have always wanted to do! Learn to paint, take a kickboxing class, take a trip with your girlfriends, DO IT!!!
11) Find Your Inner Peace
Learn to live in peace with yourself. You cannot control everything in life, but you can control how you feel about yourself and the inner peace you live with. You decide everyday who and what is part of your world. You decide who and what hurts you. YOU choose who gets to be a part of you. Once you love yourself, peace will follow.