Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has had their share of trials and times of great suffering in their lives. No one skates through life unscathed. We all have “stuff”. Perhaps someone died. That will change you. Someone cheated on you or someone you thought was a friend betrayed you and took advantage of you. You were abused growing up sexually, physically, emotionally. You are an addict, you were bullied. ALL of these things have caused so much pain and suffering in your life. You have lived through an avalanche of trauma and now what? What do you do with the after effects?
So that question again...WHAT IS YOUR FOCUS?
I am here to tell you that if you focus on what and who hurt you in your life you will forever remain a “victim”. The “Poor Me” mentality serves no one. That mindset will not elevate your life. It will not get you where you want to go in life. You will continue the suffering until one day YOU decide enough is enough.
The awesome thing, is that YOU get to decide!
When you are done living in pain, you can decide when and how you will learn from your trauma.
Here are a few scenarios to think about;
You were bullied in high school, what are you going to do with that experience? What if you become a motivational speaker that lectures to students about bullying? Teach them to try to understand the person who is doing the bullying. That when a person is a bully, it often times means they are insecure and come from a place where they are treated badly. They are acting out what they know.
Your spouse cheated on you. A blow that will shatter you. But concentrate on putting those pieces back together, stronger and smarter than ever before. What if this bad experiences teaches you how to be the strongest version of yourself? What if this experience teaches you that this is not about you as much about him? What if you can become who you were meant to become from this experience?
You were a victim of emotional, physical or sexual abuse. You have a choice, to remain in that horrible place, OR you can grieve for yourself and become an advocate for others.
What if you were fired from what you thought was your dream job? Perhaps losing this job was exactly what needed to happen to catapult you an even better position! Creating greater wealth and knowledge than you ever thought possible for yourself!
If you focus on what and who hurt you, trust me, you will forever hold yourself back. You will stay stuck and in that miserable place. But if you search for the purpose of the tough things in life, the “lesson” will grow you in ways you never thought possible. Ultimately allowing you to grow exponentially!