FREE download! 7 Steps for Successful Sales!
I think it is safe to say that many entrepreneurs struggle with selling themselves and their products. It’s easy to be a spokesperson for a product or service that you personally love, but when we have to sell ourselves and a product WE have created, it gets personal quickly. For example, you LOVE your hairstylist and talk them up to all of your friends and family giving recommendations to use the same person you do. But if you are the hairstylist, you struggle with bragging on yourself, selling your services if you will.
So what do you do? First of all get over yourself. Period. That is it, get over yourself!
Your client has come to your business because they love you and your product. Why would you make it so difficult for them to spend money with you? Why would YOU decide how much they should buy? You are not the keeper of their checkbook and it is not up to you. It is your job to be the expert in your field, to educate your client and create desire for all of the great products you offer. You cannot let your personal financial situation bleed into how you are influencing your clients. What I mean is this, if you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on portraits doesn’t mean your clients do not. Remember this…YOUR product is unique, it is one of a kind. No one can duplicate your work, YOU are your work! Your clients have CHOSEN you because of who YOU are and HOW you make THEM feel.
With that being said, it is time for you to adjust your mindset to Serve your Clients instead of Selling to your clients. Approach each opportunity asking yourself, how can I serve this client properly today? What can I do for them that will create an everlasting legacy for their family? And don’t stop suggesting and serving your client until they tell you they are done purchasing, UNTIL THEY TELL YOU THEY ARE DONE BUYING. Remember it’s not up to you to decide when they have enough, it is up to them. It is an injustice of you under sell to a client and if you over sell.
You want the sale to be “just right” and you will accomplish this by proper client education,
building and creating desire and listening to the needs of your clients.